Title I
Schoolwide Program
As a Title I school, we have the opportunity to strengthen our program to meet the needs of all of our students with the federal support of Title I funds. Funding is based on the number of students who have free lunch. We are actively addressing the following parent, guardian and community involvement Title I requirements because we know a working partnership is crucial for our students to succeed.
Understanding the School System
As a Title I school we:
- work with parents and guardians to understand and navigate the school system,
- share information about the standards for learning determined by the state, the materials and programs we use to teach those standards, and the tests we use to show how students are progressing, and
- inform you about your child’s academic progress throughout the year.
Communication with parents and community is a focus of our school and we value the different ways parents contribute to the success of their children. To enhance the way parents are already supporting their children’s academic success at home, we will offer materials and ideas that guardians might additionally use.
Right to Know Teacher Qualifications
We also want to inform you that parents and guardians have the right to request specifics about the qualifications of their child’s teachers. If your child’s teacher is not considered Highly Qualified as defined by the federal government, we will notify you.
Shared Decision Making
Parents will be involved in making school decisions, writing school plans, and assessing the effectiveness of school programs. They will also work with the school to plan Parent Involvment activities. Please contact the front office for more information on how to be a part of this important work. We need your ideas!!
Home & School Partnership
Our school has a variety of formal ways to develop the home/school partnership such as Back to School Night, Parent-Teacher Conferences, School Community Council (SCC), Family Nights, Parent Teacher Association/Organization (PTA/PTO), school newsletters, and other such opportunities. Please know that we also value the informal yet important ways we work together through phone calls, emails, and visiting before and after school. We look forward to working with you this year!! Please download the Home/School Compact which describes the commitments we are making to you, to see your child succeed.
Student Progress
We are so excited to tell you that our school made the progress on state testing that we needed to. The hard work of our students, teachers, parents, school personnel, and community members paid off to end last year successfully.
As a Title I school, we are required to show each year that students are progressing in math and reading/language arts. Title I federal funding supports student learning in these areas. The learning expectations grow every year so that each student is ready for middle school and high school to prepare for college and a career. Our students and teachers are now focused on this year’s learning standards to see another year of success.
SEP Dates:
October 9th and 10th, 2024
February 12th and 13th, 2025
Links for more Information:
2024-2025 Title 1 Presentation
Student/Parent/School Compact 2024-2025
Student/Parent/School Compact- Spanish 2024-2025
Utah State Report Card - Nibley Park
Política de participación de los padres y familias
Parent and Engagement Policy - Arabic
Salt Lake City School District Tile 1
Parents Right to Know - English