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School Community Council (SCC)

Purposes and Duties of SCC

School Community Councils (SCC) are responsible for preparing community/school plans to be submitted to the district school board for approval. SCC will assist, as needed, and provide support for the implementation of School Improvement plans. SCC members represent the group(s) who elect them to the council. Subcommittees or task forces may be created to address issues or projects which will then be presented to the School Community Council for approval. The school plans for which the school community council have responsibility for developing include the following:

· Input on The School Improvement Plan and Student Success Plan

· The School LAND Trust Plan – We were allotted $76, 837.04 for 2024-2025


This year we received $76,837.04 Funds are designated for:

·Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)

SCC meets on the 4th Thursday of every month during the school year from 3:45-4:45 . For information about each month's agenda, visit the school calendar and click on the SCC link. If you are interested in attending SCC or serving as a member of the council, please email


Our meetings are open for parents to attend. If you are interested in submitting your name for membership or have an agenda item, please contact our chair, prior to the meeting. The goal of this committee is for our parents and staff to collaborate and provide resources and opportunities for all our students to achieve and succeed.

Chair (Parent) Abby Berry     
Vice-Chair (Parent) Jenni Oman    
Parent Melissa Hardman    
Parent Alex Hyres 805-886-5220
Parent Rielly Butler   801-580-3846
School Employee/ Director Keslie Green 801-481-4842
School Emplyee Joie Ellis 801-481-4842
School Employee Laura Andeerson 801-481-4842
School Employee Willow Amendola-Francis 801-481-4842
School Employee      

School Community Council Meetings

Rules of Order and Procedure

Charter Trust Land Council (not governing board)

To promote ethical behavior and civil discourse each council member shall:

·        Attend council meetings on time and prepared

·        Make decisions with the needs of all students as the main objective

·        Listen to and value diverse opinions

·        Be sure the opinions of those you represent are included in discussions

·        Expect accountability and be prepared to be accountable

·        Act with integrity

Rules of Procedure:

All meetings are open to the public and the public is welcome to attend.

The agenda of each upcoming meeting with draft minutes of the prior meeting will be made available to all council members at least one week in advance, will be posted on the school website and made available in the main office.  The agenda will include the date, time and location of the meeting.

Minutes will be kept of all meetings, prepared in draft format for approval at the next scheduled meeting.

Our timeline will be in compliance with the state/district expectations as follows:

·        Elections will be held in the fall. This will allow for new members to join.

·        The school website should be up-dated by October 20th.

·        The School Success Plan will be posted on our web-site.

·        The principal will enter final Report on prior year’s implementation, expenditures and measurement results between January 15th- February 5th.

·        The spring reports, School Land Trust Plan for upcoming year and Committee Signature Form will be reported in the Spring as designated by our district.

The School Community Council is required to have a two-parent/grandparent majority on the council

The chair conducts the meetings, makes assignments and requests reports on assignments.  In the absence of the chair the vice-chair shall conduct meetings.

The council must have a quorum to vote.  A quorum is equal to a majority of council members.

 If a parent member is absent from two consecutive meetings, the chair will notify the member that if the member does not attend the next meeting, the council will consider the seat vacant and the governing board will advise on a parent to fill the unexpired term. The council will take under consideration the reason why the parent has not been in attendance.

The council must determine a procedure for a council member to disclose a conflict of interest if required by the local school board.

Meetings shall be conducted, and action taken according to very simplified rules of parliamentary procedure as required in 53G-7-1203(10).  Council actions will be taken by motions and voting with votes and motions recorded in the minutes. 

Simple Motions of Parliamentary Procedure

Used by some organizations to assist those new to the process


Does it require a 2nd?

is it debatable?

can it be amended?

is a Vote Required












Amend a motion










Close nominations










Main motion










Point of Order








ruled on by chair


Previous Question




















Withdrawal of Motion










A motion (or an action to be taken by the council) is stated as a motion.  Someone else on the council “seconds” the motion indicating that at least one other person on the council feels the motion is worthy of discussion.  Then the council members may provide input and discussion as called upon by the chair.  When discussion seems complete the chair may call for a vote on the motion.  Or when a member of the council “calls the previous question” (a motion to end discussion of the first motion), a second is required.  Without discussion the chair calls for a vote that must pass by 2/3.  If the vote on the previous question fails, the council goes back to discussing the first motion.  If the motion to call the previous question passes, the chair directly calls for a vote on the first motion.  A vote to call the previous question is usually used to move business along.

·        A tie vote is a lost vote.

·        Most motions are main motions.  A main motion may be amended.

·        A point of order is offered when there is some question if procedure had been followed correctly.

·        To stop debate or discussion on a motion and force the vote a member would say, “I move the previous
question.”  This requires a second and a 2/3 vote.

·        Hasty action may be corrected by use of the motion to reconsider. This motion may be made only
by one who voted on the prevailing side.

·        A person who made the motion may withdraw the same motion.